Dissection of heart and brain in class.

 Pictures of the experiments, the class, and the trip to Woods Hole.
 View of Eel Pond at Woods Hole
 The Ocean Quest, an informational boat trip the class took to learn a little more about Woods Hole.
 One of the squid used for disection in biomedical research at MBL.
 A picture of the cargo and tubule system discovered in the giant squid axon at Woods Hole.

Pictures of Class of 2008

Students enjoy pizza as part of a Learning and Memory experiment that shows the neurological basis of the perfect study-exam coonditions.

Course instructor Dr Andrew P Mallon.

Pictures of the class during teh dissection of squid nerve cells at the Marine Biological Laboratories, Woods Hole, MA.

Tour of Marine organism holding tanks that contain specimens of scientific interest.

Scientific boat trip during visit to Woods Hole.

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